
La tradizione non si può ereditare e chi la vuole deve conquistarla con grande fatica.

La Befanata

On the afternoon of January 5, it organizes a party with the Befana parading to the music through the main streets of the country by distributing sweets and gifts. An event much appreciated by young and old, to finish with joy the festive season.

Bonasera a voi di casa, questa sera è Befania,
e col nome di Maria ve venimo a salutà.

State su ragazze belle, preparatece l'arrosto
da 'na mano la sarciccia, da quell'altra 'n bel biscotto.
Un biscotto a filagrana, donne ecco la Befana.

La Befana fa ritorno, dal paese de' confini
addormenta i suoi bambini. e va 'n cerca di mangià.

E non fate come Lola, che ce diede poche ova
e non fate come Biacio, che ce dette poco cacio.
Per non fare il suo dovere, je portamo 'l carro a bere.

The Song of the Befana, Mezzano, 1943, emblem of family traditions and the rural culture.



The Association "Cavalieri del Giglio" organizes every year the feast of St. Anthony protector of animals, the next Sunday January 17 at the Church of Santa Croce where the image of the saint is painted on a large canvas dedicated to Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows.
Dawn is lit a big fire symbol of the so-called fire of Sant'Antogno, near the Church, whose portal is decorated with a laurel garland on which are hung the mandarin, a large bonfire.
The blessing of the animals takes place during the morning Mass during which also is blessed loaf de Sant'Antogno then distributed to those present.
At the end of the sausages are cooked over coals of fire from Sant'Antogno, accompanied by good local wine. Unfortunately disappeared from the party the chanterelles race with donkeys. Because you had to detach the neck at a turkey cock hanging from a rope, the tradition was interrupted to respect the animal welfare rules.
It is traditional to eat, in this day of dishes cooked dried beans stewed and seasoned with olive oil raw.


The procession of the dead Christ

One of the religious traditions most deeply felt by the population is that of the Procession of the Dead Christ in the Good Friday evening. The streets of the village, lit by the myriad of lamps and lights, are covered by the "Via Crucis" which participates in the entire population and more than one hundred people representing the various ritual moments: the last supper, the process, the Via Crucis, the crucifixion. Many boys flaunt various symbols and crosses. Who participate in the Brotherhood of Mercy and that of the Addolorata Women accompanying the coffin of the dead Christ and the statue of Our Lady of Sorrows. The town band, which accompanies the procession, performs the traditional funeral marches while the celebrant and people sing the ancient songs of passion.


Easter and Easter Monday at Villa Fontane: Feast of the Annunciation

On Easter Monday, Easter Monday, is a holiday in Villa Fontane. Two days of fun with music, sausages, wine and lupins for everyone!
On Easter Sunday begins with the celebration of Holy Mass in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ in the Church of Villa Fontane dedicated to Our Lady of the Annunciation. The afternoon in the square with roasted sausages on the grill, wine and good music. On Monday afternoon, the lupins, specially prepared by the village inhabitants, are offered to those present. musical and theatrical attractions enliven the afternoon of Easter Monday, for the smaller the rabbit race that chooses her burrow and to end the lottery and the traditional "Cuccagna", one of the most anticipated events of this festival. Fatigue and repeated attempts to climb the Tree of Plenty, perfectly smooth and anointed with grease to make it more slippery, making it even more inviting the grip offered by the top, richly furnished with "every good of God".


Thoroughbred Horse Racing

The meetings of the race horse galloping at the racecourse Valentano have long been a must for all fans. The only approved establishment dall'U.N.I.R.E. Upper Viterbese is indeed Racecourse Valentano, with the ring of land that enhances the powerful performance of the quadruped, and the skill of the jockey.
The collaboration of the Pro Loco and the Società Sportiva with the Association "Cavalieri del Giglio", makes it possible to this important race organization including, among others, some jockeys of the famous Palio of Siena. The race is held in May and June.


La fiera del cedro

The institution chronicles tell of the annual fair, which was established by Gabriele Francesco, and Pierbertoldo Pierluigi Farnese with its own edict of May 1, 1461. The fair had a term of no less than 7 days around the third Sunday of May, first for the feast of the Blessed Virgin venerated in the Church of St. John, and later combined with the feast of Our Lady of Health.
It preserves a sixteenth-century copy of the establishment decree, of which we quote the title and the first page.

« Before entering the country, Is there a suburb, in which you do the annual Fair on the third Sunday in May, and it was established the year 1461, renowned for Livestock cow, horse, and somarino, only for goods that merchants carrying in sell, and the more you are growing trees, which adombreranno a pleasant spherical walk.» Codoni, d. Cruciano, canonico, Cenni storici intorno alla terra di Valentano.


Corpus Domini: l’infiorata

In 1263, in Bolsena he arrived from Rome a Bohemian priest, who had doubts about transubstantiation (the species of bread and wine remain unchanged while the substance is transubstantiated into the body and blood of Christ). During the celebration of Holy Mass, the Host began to ooze blood, drenching the body and staining the altar stone. Pope Urban IV was in the nearby town of Orvieto and Bolsena people, who had witnessed the miracle, took the linen corporal bloodied and carried in solemn procession to the Pontiff, who recognized the miracle and instituted the feast of Corpus Christi .
The collection of green begins a few days before, followed by the most delicate petals and buds; the designs are agreed with the neighbors, some cardboard cutouts or sketches on paper are prepared or taken from those of past years. at evening before everything is ready: drawings, petals, leaves and colored powders ... You put the alarm clock early and the next morning on the street, to lie patiently, each focused on its piece of ornament, small part of a project that often It covers the entire road.


La Madonna di mezz’Agosto e il “solco dritto”

It is a ritual that is repeated for centuries symbolically along the flat Valentano dawn of August 14 of each year.
The man makes the oxen pulling a plow furrow tracing a long, sharp, straight, between the wide expanse of the fields, with the sky as if to renew a pact of love, a fondness made of bread and wine, fruits of a bountiful and beautiful land in the plain relaxing Olpeta, in mild hills that animate the landscape, in the calm and opalescent waters of the volcanic lake of Mezzano that preserve the earliest evidence of man in this territory: dwelling villages submerged and archaeologists they have brought to light and that are largely exposed to the local Museum of Prehistory of Tuscia and Rocca Farnese.
Artifacts that speak of hard-working people, dedicated to the cultivation of the land, breeding, hunting, primitive artisans as functional wooden tools, bronze and stone and terracotta containers from variegated forms and decorated.
The last effort of the summer season to thank heaven and earth for the gifts received.


San Giustino

Popular tradition has it that St. Justin Martyr was a soldier who converted to Christianity. Great is the devotion to the saint patron and respect for his relics, brought in procession on the fourth Sunday of September. For some years for the organization of the festival it is made up of a committee between the forties.
In the feast days we are organized gastronomic events and entertainment. On Saturday evening, after the procession dedicated to the saint, in loc. Terrarossa soul a special fireworks display. The Sunday after the traditional parade through the streets of the town band in the country, the lords of the party offer to the population refreshments.